2008 AZ. Black Film Festival

2008 AZ.  Black Film Festival
The Auteur and his friends....

11 April 2008

Inconvenient Truth VI

Usually, when something is inconvenient the dread just never seems to end.
Here are a few favorites that have to go to the back burner....

Salsa dancing

Belly Dancing

Exercising-- hiking "A" Mountain in Tempe

I'm sure I can sink lower by naming more negatives, and I have no anthem of the day, so to save myself I'll have to catch up on those poems... looks like I'm 4 down!!

10 April 2008

Inconvenient Truth V

In case you're wondering what's next for this broken toe and broken foot, I have an appointment with a foot doctor next week to seal the deal on that cast. A cast for the next four weeks... right.. let's see how far I get to that office before making a U turn!

I can be such a rebel its scary. I'm not trying to walk around for the rest of my life with a crooked foot, though!

Here are some comments made by good friends:

Lynn, "Oh Honey, let's just decorate it with ribbons, or lace and pretty bells- it'll be fun for the wedding!"

Patricia, "Don't let vanity ruin your wedding... look at it this way, you can milk it every year by saying, I never got to dance at my wedding!" [by the way, she gave the million dollar advice and she knows it!!]

Alicia, "Your dress should cover your feet right?!"

Aida, "It is like a movie. Anything is possible. Whatever you do, it is your life and your
wedding. I will be always on your side, even if you kill someone. Love you dearly"

MaryAnn, " You may end up walking down the aisle on crutches?!!!!!"

Dee Dee, " Sorry to hear about your foot. What the heck were you doing? Oops -- maybe I don't want to know"

After heavily contemplating a poll on "To be or Not To Be" I decided against taking a poll, even though I had already collected five "no go(s)" and two were from the parking lot attendants at Crazy Jim's-- as I was saying I decided against the poll, afraid my fiancee might log in and read this blog. He knows I'm unpredictable, still I don't want him to think I let others sway the fate of our blessed day.

Arizona Author's Association--Looking for Authors!

If you are a member of the Arizona Author's Association, Vicki Lautsch is looking for authors
who would consider speaking at the Glendale Elementary School District Career Day Event on May 2nd.

They are inviting professionals from all around Phoenix to come and speak to the students about how they got to where they are, and how they chose their given career.

The students are at a Title I school; they are rarely exposed to life outside of the square mile around the campus. They are phenomenal kids, and the school would like them to see what life is like outside of the four walls of school and their tiny neighborhood. As Teach For America teachers, they passionately advocate for the students to receive the best education possible. Education that reaches beyond the classroom is their goal.

The career Odyssey will be held at Don Mensendick School, on Friday, May 2nd from 8:00 to 1:45.

If you are interested in joining Career Odyssey and sharing your passion with a group of phenomenal children, you may email: adsilver23@gmail.com or vicki.lautsch@gmail.com; or contact by phone: Adam's number is 847-894-8439 and Vicki's number is 216-402-0578.

My Anthem of the Day III

Gotta have a good word for today. I'm in love this song...

The song is inspired by Richie Righteous, titled "Yes, I can" I also posted it to the profile on myspace.

He recently performed at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church for Battleground.
A concert held to inspire the youth of Phoenix, Arizona.

... I don't mind the ad, his message is worth it.
R.I.C.H. Resting In Christ Hands

Proverbs 22:6

"Train up a child in the way he should go, when he is old he will not depart from it"
Proverbs 22:6

My daughter made a "friend" in her class yesterday... she named him "Ricky" I was moved when I saw that she buckled up Ricky before she buckled up herself on the ride home.
My cup runneth over... my baby is growing up!

We Celebrate Nat. Poetry Month!!

Last week in class, my ESL students wrote poetry for the first time
and together we wrote a poem in class.

They suprised me this week and brought in their own poetry!!
They are awesome and were inspired to write. Just thinking about it, I'm in heaven right now. I've got some poets in my class and they rock!

One of my students pulled a fast one on me, she wrote her poem in English and then she wrote it in Spanish, a whole page.... she told me that she wanted to read her poem in English, but she wanted me to read the Spanish version.... WOW!!
Yeah, they just wanted to hear me speak Spanish, because I am always telling them, they must speak only English in class!!

She got me! The class was in an uproar and excited that I read the poem in Spanish.
Bet they didn't know I could throw down like that!! (Thank God for those college classes!)

09 April 2008

Poem 7. NaPoWriMo Challenge

crazy love (for Mom)

you keep me looking back for you
your secluded house on the praire
and the one piece of mail I didn't rip to shreds
before tossing in the trash

you keep me looking back
to the same rocky path leading up to you
your homemade chimes
and that miller beer can twisting in the wind

you keep me looking back
and although the mirror is familiar to me
this picture is you
another dauntless travel

my daughter, feisty and full of life
plummeted into this world with a bang-
rough, playful and sometimes sorry
for the mischief she loves, looks like you

you keep me looking back
when I look into her big bright brown eyes
her rugged break at freedom
and the dimples she inherited from you

you keep me looking back
I have to- it's then I truly see myself
and the future bubbling in front of me
living in the eyes of my daughter

you keep me
thinking of you
another simple song and I'm eight years old
and loving you all over again

Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill

John Suvivor Blake and Poem #8

Still honoring "Thirty Poems in Thirty Days" I would be remiss if I didn't shine some light on this awesome poet, my man John Survivor Blake.

Take a look at his poem titled "Mi Amor". He's got some good life brewing and he's sharing it with all of us!

It is National Poetry Month and poets from all over the world are celebrating the muse of writing poetry, trip-hop rock indie, floetry, elemental hip-hop, prose whatever muse inspires. Take a look, it may save your life!

Poem 6. NaPoWriMo


four times a weeks

I can face the mere belief

that damn

you can exist

beyond the screen

and made for Hollywood story

you tempt the joys

and tip the mind with fury

naw, that wasn’t me

moving the glass across the counter

slamming the drawers

in that Mesa apartment

you woke me up

and chased me

right out of that dream

here we are a decade later

and at 3 a.m.

I can’t run anymore

I won't run anymore

my hours

are your hours

we co-exist

at a time when peace is mine

writing to the distant sound of a train

it’s horn stretching across the city

and into this room

where I hear too much

I see too much

I feel too much

and the moon offers nothing

but a bright reminder

that I’m going to need Bud

all over again

Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill

My Anthem Of the Day!

Uplifting and unlike Motely Crue's "Don't Go Away Mad--Just Go Away" (one of my favorite songs) this is a softer side of saying...

love song

08 April 2008

Inconvenient Truth IV

Of course I would immediately defy the doctor's recommendations about staying home with this foot elevated.

I went to lunch with a wonderful friend and she gave me some great words of advice.
"Don't let vanity stop you from getting married."

Can you guess what I was thinking?

The doctor said four weeks! What are facts anyway? I just thought of something... I can't even sky dive if I wanted to! Isn't it worst when your options can no longer be options? I'm sure this will be indictative of my life in the days to come.

Inconvenient Truth III

Anyone who knows me knows I love shoes. Pretty shoes (without bows ...ugg), pretty shoes hide ugly feet!

The fact is, there's no hiding this ugly foot. As it turns out... my toe is not the only bone that is broken.. so is my foot!!!! Wow for sadness, wow for unbelievable, wow for the extended ugly, and wow because its happening to me!!

I cannot believe the doctor wants me home for three days with my foot up! It is also recommeded that I wear a cast for the next four weeks...

There's no way I'll survive. Is he serious?!

No Salsa dancing, no belly dancing, no excercising.... what about the wedding? I have been quietly avoiding the countdown for the wedding, it's my way of preserving what freedom I might have left of my coveted independence.

I need an uplifting poem... someone save me with some good words!

Poem 5. NaPoWriMo


God knew my pain

the tragedy my family born

he knew I had a weakness

that chained my spirit in mourn

I had to learn some things

forgiveness love and trust

ask of him and let it be done

with faith we live, it’s a must

never asked for forgiveness

the hardness in this heart

never prayed for Mom

and the silent decades spent apart

but God knew what I needed

and he lifted the misery away

he stepped in so I might live

to forgive the trust she had betrayed

Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill

Inconvenient Truth II

My foot is ugly. No really it is. It's ugly. Even on a good day it's ugly. Right now I'm in the emergency room and it is propped up and swollen green with light purple blooming in between the two small toes. I can usually hide them in some fashionable wear, but today I can't fit this foot in anything... I feel helpless. Sunday, and a bad accident is all I can say.

My toe literally jammed into the socket of my foot, I did the remarkable by pulling it out. It was a lumpy pull, but I did it! I was so brave. Would you know it I limped out the door and went to church!

Let's not talk about how it felt two hours laters or how I took my shoe off and couldn't put it back on, or how embarrassing it was when a church attendant refused to leave me standing outside and insisted on helping me to my car! Watching my silly shadow hop across the street--I almost wished this handsome man would just end my misery and carry me!!

The waiting room is full and here I am reminded of just how ugly my feet are, the truth just sucks today.

07 April 2008

My Inconvenient Truth

Okay, so it's been seven days and I'm four poems in... it isn't because I've lost my muse, its because I'm busy!! What an incredible project this is... I'm having so much fun reading other blogsites and myspace sites, and discovering some talented poets that I'm too tired to post my own. I'm brewing with something about Gerard Melanga, a spiritual poem on Restoration, and one to my wonderful and loving friend MARYANN. It's going to be titled after her. I have them in my head, really I do!

Today, I'm heading to the hospital. Yesterday, I learned a few lessons and so today, I limping with a possible broken toe. I'm borrowing my nephew's crutchers and thanking God for them, since I hopped so much yesterday I had a headache.

I think I should be a little worried, the wedding is very close and if my foot doesn't heal in time, someone will have to carry me down that aisle!

P.S. I haven't told the Groom about my foot. Such an inconvenient truth.

06 April 2008

Poem 4. YEAH!!

watering the seed

everyday I’m cultivating some seeds

planted for the joy in Bishop’s word

planted for this season

when the music like water

falls on fertile ground

I’m sensitive to you

for the frustration in your life

for the pills you capped and the moments

that followed when God sent you back

because it was not your time

your children needed you

I’m sensitive to you

because even through your talents

you refuse hope and defeat yourself

with anger through anger

and no one can love anger but anger

somehow you keep surviving and wonder why

I’m sensitive to you

because you prayed for me

when I couldn’t pray for myself

you knew my heart and the battles I waged

a foolish fighter, still you prayed on me

in your forsaken state, and today I pray on you

I know you’ve got some seeds

planted in a season that has passed

you are a child of God, whomever your God

should be

<>let time be your strength <>

and your spirit be a source of guidance

for peace

Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill

Sorry no poems yet... I'm three behind!!

I’m watching Elizabeth, another great movie. I love this movie for the soundtrack, too. When I was in London, it was heaven and I'm good at pretending... so my skills had me walking around the city like I was dressed in some velvet colored dress with a tight corset. Of course, I'm reminded that I would not have faired well, being that I am a woman of color, and I sorta kinda say what's on my mind, and I might have been deemed a bruja!!

I'm jealous. I want a Walsingham, in my life, too! My favorite part of the movie lies in three parts… the first, when she responds to Lord Burley on the urgency of her getting married and he say’s “but Madam you are only a woman” she replies, “I may be a woman Sir, but I can have the heart of a man if I choose!”

The second line I favor is when Robert Dudley tries to position himself as the man in her life by telling her she is still his Elizabeth. She fires back, "<>I am no man’s Elizabeth! I will have one mistress and NO MASTER!!

Right on Elizabeth!!
She’s my hero tonight. I'm living for the end of the movie when she descends the stairs of the court in her statue like appearance and stops to show Lord Burley her ring, she says, "Observe Lord Burley, I am married to England." (This man wanted her married).
Too bad this movie did not show the true relationship between her and Lord Burley, or her and Robert Dudley. She retires Lord Burley early in the movie, but everyone knows she kept him as her advisor for as long as his life allowed.

Chimeara's World

Global Warming Myth