shades of pink
"dirty pink roses" that's all I said.
the very young female behind the counter, chuckled...
and although we were not engaged in a conversation
I could tell she was listening to me talk in my ramble
at the counter and flipping those pages
from red to rose, white lilies
and arrangments made to amaze us
I said it again, "all I need are dirty pink roses"
I noticed she was listening again
I wasn't trying to be funny
those were my words
I was looking for pink- not just one
I wanted them clean, dark, light,
deep with color and dirty with fun
she blushed and laughed with blush
then apologized for never did she hear someone say
"I'm looking for dirty pink roses..."
I had to laugh too, she don't know me that well
anyone who knows me would say
"of course you'd say that" --you're crazy as hell!
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
good rhythm in this, very atmospheric too and the repitition of Cuba works well
April 2, 2008 1:09 PM