2008 AZ. Black Film Festival
The Auteur and his friends....
18 July 2008
Looking back.... just a little....
These days have left me with a sad disposition, nothing like driving through the old childhood neighborhoods. Its amazing how much of the early life remains with us. I have been living in the city for nearly eighteen years.... and I have never really had the need to revisit the old times, just knowing those neighborhoods existed was enough until this week.
I imagined the morning sun still rising and resting over the same roofs, the same trees, the same cracked sidewalks of the old neighborhood.
Visiting them again...was like seeing my childhood spirit ghostly playing outside as soon as the sun came out.... the monster palm tree... the china berry tree.... the bright orange skateboard.. Tina Rena's crazy brother Anastasio always eating some homemade burrito--we all knew his Mom was great.... the steps that I crashed into with my rollerskates-- had my Mom plucking shards of glass out of my knees and screaming at me in the same breath.
And I always loved that large house the color of burnt umber and brown-- at the corner, it loomed with mystery and on a warm summer night... it was all a child needed to spike the imagination...
Whatever you're thinking, you're wrong about going home again. Home is where the heart is... take it from a gypsy moon child who never really had a home.
16 July 2008
Sharing That Poetry
I'm no longer the dusty knee gal who hung out with the boys (sorta looked like them, too) however, my passions changed and this year I'm spending my free summer evenings hanging out with other Poets. It's peaceful.... relaxing... energetic.... and inspiring. No pills.. no spirited drinks... just great imagery and walking a bit in someone else's shoes.
Last night was 'Poetry Night' at Words in the Alley--Feral Poetry in Glendale. If you have free time look them up and join us for a warm evening of welcomed words.
Check out their Myspace profile for details on the upcoming events and featured Poets.
03 June 2008
What is Change?
Change is change, I believe there is a plus/delta version for reacting to change.
I think someone needs a new speech writer and speech lesson. I wasn't impressed.
15 May 2008
A Poem for my Cousins
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Thursday, May 01, 2008
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08 May 2008
Poetry Slam Happening Tonight.... Mesa
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Date: | May 8, 2008 10:39 AM |
Subject: | ATTN: Phoenix Area Folks, Poetry Event Tonight! |
Body: | I believe Jonathan (host of Poetry In The Round) is planning on slamming tonight...it's been a while. Come out and support! : ) Some high school kids from Prescott are making the journey out tonight, so come show them what poetry means to the valley! Thanks, Klute, for providing the info for me to steal: Mesa Poetry Slam.... TONIGHT! The Mesa Poetry Slam has risen like a mighty Phoenix from the ashes of... Look, just come to the poetry slam. Get your poetry there, not from a Myspace bulletin. Always free to get in, only $1 to slam! What: The Mesa Poetry Slam When: Tonight, May 8th, at 8:00PM Where: The Essenza Coffeehouse, 1350 S Longmore, Mesa Why: Slam, poetry How: However you can. Call (480) 461-0445 for more info! |
Another class ends....
We said good-bye and farewell. My students brought this cake in on the last day of class along with another for my two daughters and I to take home. I was very touched and dreaded the last day of class. I could tell it would be a sad day for some whose initial facial reaction told me it was going to be a sad day. I had spent the last four months with my ESL students and we made good distance in the classroom.
They did a great job on their final assessments and that evening, I drove home in my silent but boastful happiness and cried. Yes, I’m a rookie and I know how to handle good-byes, but their growth, and their future lives were incumbent on how well I did my job. The human in me, taught with heart and soul. I did my best and used every teaching strategy I knew. It was like watching your child walk for the first time again….. and the littlest difference made a world of a difference. I cheered them, encouraged them, and did my best to inspire them.
The last day of class I talked with every student individually and from them I learned their stories of disappointment, gratitude, well-being, and how hard they studied and practiced on their own. Some say they did it for me, others said they did it for their families and for me, I prefer to believe they did it for themselves… they were a wonderful and respectful group of people and because of them, my cup runneth over…
You never know how you will affect others around you, a simple gesture, a pat on the back, a good word of encouragement changes lives. I may never see them all together again, those two classes, but the memory of their stories will stay with me always.
02 May 2008
R.I.C.H *Keeping It Alive*
A celebration for his album Release of PEOPLEZ CHOICE...... is happening tonight in New York.
Adm: $10.00
Time.... 7 pm
Location... 139-35 88th ave Jamaica NY 11435
PEOPLEZ CHOICE Album release....If you have never been to an E.R. check out the video..
Log onto www.RichieRighteous.com for more info...
Sharing the love...
01 May 2008
Poem #20. NaPoWriMo
I deleted you
the Line poem
the Just leaves
the Dangerous for Girls
and how murder filled her dreams
as the world grew wings
I deleted you
the Charm
the Gnosised
and that Pot of Tea drill
I deleted what I couldn't feel
d e l e t e d
because I'm a spoiled visual
a kinesthetic junky high on lyrical prose
needing your words to hammer
grind deep into my soul
your rhythmic highs
your rhythmic lows
your heart and soul poetry
and without a brush
I want to see your canvas
across my dark room
and feel the wet grime of your colors
f l o e t r y
rapping, reaping, seeping
between my fingers
that unforgettable **** carries me
carries the high
of this lyrical junky from line to line
reading your highs
reading your lows
reading you like a book
through the complexities
of all that is horrifying
and p o s s i b l e
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
30 April 2008
Poem #19. NaPoWriMo
i notice the little girl
from across the lawn
she is sad and on the verge of tears
unike the others
can see the tears
before they fall
and like the love you are
you take those steps forward
to hug them back
inside of her
before they can fall
you smile
on her
so she might shine again
how beautiful you are
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #18. NaPoWriMo
kiki love
you smile
and the sun can shine
on the darkest bleak of day
u n f o r g e t t a b l e
l o v e
the best part of me
grew your heart in mine
never mind the stories
about the woman made of stone
the cold crystal woman, who was
destined to live alone
when you sighed
took your first breath
reached into my heart
and carried a piece of me
into this place we call
a million miracles
boast to life
with just one of your smiles
and with them
you have changed the colors
of my world
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #17. NaPoWriMo
april winds
knows how to blow some dust
the news today says that downtown
phoenix is the worst place to eat fast food
because it’s unhealthy
and congested in the midst of pollution
aren’t we rough enough
says the woman pushing her cart
aren’t we tough enough
says another man chasing a kid down the street
his bike shouldn’t have been
parked outside that 7 eleven store
the winds, they blow again
our desert at the mercy of another visit
another young man dead
murdered in his home down the street
no one said life would be easy
it really isn’t about you, is it?
rather, it’s about the person next to you
and what words
might find the truth
that matters most
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
28 April 2008
Poem #16. NaPoWriMo
sometimes I prefer you
at your distance
laughing across the line
on the phone
laughing because somewhere
at some time
you learned to laugh first
before crying
I prefer distance
where I cannot see you clear
moving your nervous eyes
as they shift from place to place
shift the curtains aside
and like that window to the soul
I'm flooded by the secrets
I cannot bear
and I know where you are broken
where you are whole
when there is enough cushion
to just keep jumping
I know when the day doesn't matter
when the night crawls into your skin
and even laughter cannot hide
what's broken
sometimes I prefer you
at that distance
because its there
that I cannot see so much
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #15. NaPoWriMo
society demands
a different kind of woman
a different kind of man
raped violated molested
starved and hurt they hid
they lie they shun they shadow
in greed to numb their minds
‘cause life is hard
and hard is waking up
at two in the morning
unable to recognize the face
in the passing mirror
another knock at the door
its you
another woman smitten
scant clad and scent on him
she cries she screams she sobs
and is off searching for him
the poet in sigh
journeyed morning to night
rumbling from sundown to morning light
a ladder emerges
creativity a trinity in sight
needing someone
to pull you though
to battle the demons
you vigorously love to hide
in the ‘soul of you inside’
finding the words you say you lost
I didn’t give up on you
You gave up on me
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
24 April 2008
Poem #14. NaPoWriMo
you are the reason
he showed up again
stalking me
stalking me
stalking me still
Lord I'm angry
I'm beat
I'm down on it again
and he's waiting
to break my will
a newborn in spirit
and pressing my way
to you
he's a master
in this game
out to kill and destroy
so I pray God
for your word God
for your armor God
your will God
for You God
be done God
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #13. NaWriPoMo
you know what to do
you know what to say
you know my language
you know me
enough to woo me every day
you know what's lost
you know what's found
you know this heart
you know me
enough to put it down!
you know you're the man
you know the dreams
you know this writer
you know me
enough to read between my seams
you know I'm a dreamer
sleepwalking on a rope
my new husband, my love
you pray with me
for God's love and his hope
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #12. NaPoWriMo
another day has ended
and I'm feeling good
good that my students
sometimes confused
and unsure of themselves
can be confident enough
to be who they are
genuine survivors
for the husband at five am
on the job
studying at night
to earn his right
to hope
for a better life
for the mother next to her child
done wondering
still pondering the wild hope
in becoming more
for the vitality of her family
they were sad for good-bye
the class that ended tonight
for weeks
they filed into class
hour after hour
sharing life
sharing language
never knowing how much
I admired the heroes
I saw among each of them
they were sad for the good-bye
and so was I
so was I
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
23 April 2008
Poem # 11. NaPoWriMo Challenge
is what I see
when the music changes tone
when your words, your actions
are no longer your own
I'm wild on air
at the foot of another climb
this mountain doesn't mean
I'm defeated or out of time
this isn't another hard road to travel
I'm ready for the burn
ready for the challenge
ready to write my next word
I know when I reach the top
poetry is what I'll see
poetry and the beauty of life
that's my faith, those are my wings
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #10. NaPoWriMo
solo in the the morning light
and like the sun you rose
amidst the webs webbed tight
a moon in flight sharing the winds that blow
smitten and fallen like rain on rain
you came like a dust in fury
creating a new world to lose your pain
losing the past flashed in a hurry
It was her heart and your bloody greed
casting you the love
casting you the heart the soul you would need
'cause darkeness can be lonely with the moon above
lonely when the moon is full and you cry out for her soul
lonely cause crying cannot bring back the life you already stole
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem #9. NaWriPoMo
solo por ti
in the lonely
desolate city I ran
against the sun
the darkness that fell
the wedding that gave
your hand
nothing new to remember
except you
and the chase on me
out of breath
you had me with one two three!
beautiful in blue
could’ve been my song
a tribute to the giant
who lied
who towered
in defiance
I was yours
and you were mine
“til death do us part”
that you did
a murderer of my spirit
a sword still hovering in my heart
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Poem # 8 NaWriPoMo
wilderness once dreamt
of destiny a destination
floating solo like a mirage
on the brink of freedom
baby I hear your voice
see the sunlight floating down
and I know you love me
even as my body fell limp
pummeled to the ground
leaves rustle wet damp
between my fingers cool
across the forest floor both
dead and alive- I’m the fool
trying to stay alive
loving a giant in faith
with freedom like a mirage
on the brink of life
whatever lies next
I’m yours
to chase
to catch
to terrify
to frighten
dying again and again
I’m yours
another beautiful mirage
captured in hell
because murder
is all you know
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
11 April 2008
Inconvenient Truth VI
Here are a few favorites that have to go to the back burner....
Salsa dancing
Belly Dancing
Exercising-- hiking "A" Mountain in Tempe
I'm sure I can sink lower by naming more negatives, and I have no anthem of the day, so to save myself I'll have to catch up on those poems... looks like I'm 4 down!!
10 April 2008
Inconvenient Truth V
I can be such a rebel its scary. I'm not trying to walk around for the rest of my life with a crooked foot, though!
Here are some comments made by good friends:
Lynn, "Oh Honey, let's just decorate it with ribbons, or lace and pretty bells- it'll be fun for the wedding!"
Patricia, "Don't let vanity ruin your wedding... look at it this way, you can milk it every year by saying, I never got to dance at my wedding!" [by the way, she gave the million dollar advice and she knows it!!]
Alicia, "Your dress should cover your feet right?!"
Aida, "It is like a movie. Anything is possible. Whatever you do, it is your life and your
wedding. I will be always on your side, even if you kill someone. Love you dearly"
MaryAnn, " You may end up walking down the aisle on crutches?!!!!!"
Dee Dee, " Sorry to hear about your foot. What the heck were you doing? Oops -- maybe I don't want to know"
After heavily contemplating a poll on "To be or Not To Be" I decided against taking a poll, even though I had already collected five "no go(s)" and two were from the parking lot attendants at Crazy Jim's-- as I was saying I decided against the poll, afraid my fiancee might log in and read this blog. He knows I'm unpredictable, still I don't want him to think I let others sway the fate of our blessed day.
Arizona Author's Association--Looking for Authors!
who would consider speaking at the Glendale Elementary School District Career Day Event on May 2nd.
They are inviting professionals from all around Phoenix to come and speak to the students about how they got to where they are, and how they chose their given career.
The students are at a Title I school; they are rarely exposed to life outside of the square mile around the campus. They are phenomenal kids, and the school would like them to see what life is like outside of the four walls of school and their tiny neighborhood. As Teach For America teachers, they passionately advocate for the students to receive the best education possible. Education that reaches beyond the classroom is their goal.
The career Odyssey will be held at Don Mensendick School, on Friday, May 2nd from 8:00 to 1:45.
If you are interested in joining Career Odyssey and sharing your passion with a group of phenomenal children, you may email: adsilver23@gmail.com or vicki.lautsch@gmail.com; or contact by phone: Adam's number is 847-894-8439 and Vicki's number is 216-402-0578.
My Anthem of the Day III
The song is inspired by Richie Righteous, titled "Yes, I can" I also posted it to the profile on myspace.
He recently performed at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church for Battleground.
A concert held to inspire the youth of Phoenix, Arizona.
... I don't mind the ad, his message is worth it.
R.I.C.H. Resting In Christ Hands
Proverbs 22:6
Proverbs 22:6
My daughter made a "friend" in her class yesterday... she named him "Ricky" I was moved when I saw that she buckled up Ricky before she buckled up herself on the ride home.
My cup runneth over... my baby is growing up!
We Celebrate Nat. Poetry Month!!
Last week in class, my ESL students wrote poetry for the first time and together we wrote a poem in class.
They suprised me this week and brought in their own poetry!! They are awesome and were inspired to write. Just thinking about it, I'm in heaven right now. I've got some poets in my class and they rock!
One of my students pulled a fast one on me, she wrote her poem in English and then she wrote it in Spanish, a whole page.... she told me that she wanted to read her poem in English, but she wanted me to read the Spanish version.... WOW!!
Yeah, they just wanted to hear me speak Spanish, because I am always telling them, they must speak only English in class!!
She got me! The class was in an uproar and excited that I read the poem in Spanish.
Bet they didn't know I could throw down like that!! (Thank God for those college classes!)
09 April 2008
Poem 7. NaPoWriMo Challenge
crazy love (for Mom)
you keep me looking back for you
your secluded house on the praire
and the one piece of mail I didn't rip to shreds
before tossing in the trash
you keep me looking back
to the same rocky path leading up to you
your homemade chimes
and that miller beer can twisting in the wind
you keep me looking back
and although the mirror is familiar to me
this picture is you
another dauntless travel
my daughter, feisty and full of life
plummeted into this world with a bang-
rough, playful and sometimes sorry
for the mischief she loves, looks like you
you keep me looking back
when I look into her big bright brown eyes
her rugged break at freedom
and the dimples she inherited from you
you keep me looking back
I have to- it's then I truly see myself
and the future bubbling in front of me
living in the eyes of my daughter
you keep me
thinking of you
another simple song and I'm eight years old
and loving you all over again
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
John Suvivor Blake and Poem #8
Take a look at his poem titled "Mi Amor". He's got some good life brewing and he's sharing it with all of us!
It is National Poetry Month and poets from all over the world are celebrating the muse of writing poetry, trip-hop rock indie, floetry, elemental hip-hop, prose whatever muse inspires. Take a look, it may save your life!
Poem 6. NaPoWriMo
four times a weeks
I can face the mere belief
that damn
you can exist
beyond the screen
and made for
you tempt the joys
and tip the mind with fury
naw, that wasn’t me
moving the glass across the counter
slamming the drawers
in that
you woke me up
and chased me
right out of that dream
here we are a decade later
and at 3 a.m.
I can’t run anymore
I won't run anymore
my hours
are your hours
we co-exist
at a time when peace is mine
writing to the distant sound of a train
it’s horn stretching across the city
and into this room
where I hear too much
I see too much
I feel too much
and the moon offers nothing
but a bright reminder
that I’m going to need Bud
all over again
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
My Anthem Of the Day!
love song
08 April 2008
Inconvenient Truth IV
I went to lunch with a wonderful friend and she gave me some great words of advice.
"Don't let vanity stop you from getting married."
Can you guess what I was thinking?
The doctor said four weeks! What are facts anyway? I just thought of something... I can't even sky dive if I wanted to! Isn't it worst when your options can no longer be options? I'm sure this will be indictative of my life in the days to come.
Inconvenient Truth III
The fact is, there's no hiding this ugly foot. As it turns out... my toe is not the only bone that is broken.. so is my foot!!!! Wow for sadness, wow for unbelievable, wow for the extended ugly, and wow because its happening to me!!
I cannot believe the doctor wants me home for three days with my foot up! It is also recommeded that I wear a cast for the next four weeks...
There's no way I'll survive. Is he serious?!
No Salsa dancing, no belly dancing, no excercising.... what about the wedding? I have been quietly avoiding the countdown for the wedding, it's my way of preserving what freedom I might have left of my coveted independence.
I need an uplifting poem... someone save me with some good words!
Poem 5. NaPoWriMo
God knew my pain
the tragedy my family born
he knew I had a weakness
that chained my spirit in mourn
I had to learn some things
forgiveness love and trust
ask of him and let it be done
with faith we live, it’s a must
never asked for forgiveness
the hardness in this heart
never prayed for Mom
and the silent decades spent apart
but God knew what I needed
and he lifted the misery away
he stepped in so I might live
to forgive the trust she had betrayed
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Inconvenient Truth II
My toe literally jammed into the socket of my foot, I did the remarkable by pulling it out. It was a lumpy pull, but I did it! I was so brave. Would you know it I limped out the door and went to church!
Let's not talk about how it felt two hours laters or how I took my shoe off and couldn't put it back on, or how embarrassing it was when a church attendant refused to leave me standing outside and insisted on helping me to my car! Watching my silly shadow hop across the street--I almost wished this handsome man would just end my misery and carry me!!
The waiting room is full and here I am reminded of just how ugly my feet are, the truth just sucks today.
07 April 2008
My Inconvenient Truth
Today, I'm heading to the hospital. Yesterday, I learned a few lessons and so today, I limping with a possible broken toe. I'm borrowing my nephew's crutchers and thanking God for them, since I hopped so much yesterday I had a headache.
I think I should be a little worried, the wedding is very close and if my foot doesn't heal in time, someone will have to carry me down that aisle!
P.S. I haven't told the Groom about my foot. Such an inconvenient truth.
06 April 2008
Poem 4. YEAH!!
everyday I’m cultivating some seeds
planted for the joy in Bishop’s word
planted for this season
when the music like water
falls on fertile ground
I’m sensitive to you
for the frustration in your life
for the pills you capped and the moments
that followed when God sent you back
because it was not your time
your children needed you
I’m sensitive to you
because even through your talents
you refuse hope and defeat yourself
with anger through anger
and no one can love anger but anger
somehow you keep surviving and wonder why
I’m sensitive to you
because you prayed for me
when I couldn’t pray for myself
you knew my heart and the battles I waged
a foolish fighter, still you prayed on me
in your forsaken state, and today I pray on you
I know you’ve got some seeds
planted in a season that has passed
you are a child of God, whomever your God
should be
<>for peace
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Sorry no poems yet... I'm three behind!!
I’m watching
Right on
She’s my hero tonight. I'm living for the end of the movie when she descends the stairs of the court in her statue like appearance and stops to show Lord Burley her ring, she says, "Observe Lord Burley, I am married to
Too bad this movie did not show the true relationship between her and Lord Burley, or her and Robert Dudley. She retires Lord Burley early in the movie, but everyone knows she kept him as her advisor for as long as his life allowed.
04 April 2008
A Short Wedding Jingle I

shades of pink
"dirty pink roses" that's all I said.
the very young female behind the counter, chuckled...
and although we were not engaged in a conversation
I could tell she was listening to me talk in my ramble
at the counter and flipping those pages
from red to rose, white lilies
and arrangments made to amaze us
I said it again, "all I need are dirty pink roses"
I noticed she was listening again
I wasn't trying to be funny
those were my words
I was looking for pink- not just one
I wanted them clean, dark, light,
deep with color and dirty with fun
she blushed and laughed with blush
then apologized for never did she hear someone say
"I'm looking for dirty pink roses..."
I had to laugh too, she don't know me that well
anyone who knows me would say
"of course you'd say that" --you're crazy as hell!
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
02 April 2008
Two Down. NaPoWriMo Challenge
Chinese Proverb
it's 11:19
paper wads lie crumbled
scattered across the floor
among them
curl and tear into one another
and watch them bleed
that’s the magic you gave me
this unexpurgated gift
exchanged when you said good-bye
created the day when childhood died
silent in youth
you took me far away
my guardian, love of my life
you needed me
suicide would be
how to clean your wrist
without causing it to bleed
your sloppy note and
the leftover information
your orphans would need
around your wrists
blood splattered
across the walls
the bathroom floor
the kitchen knife
a red wet and warm reminder
that you did have a heart
with a second chance
you accepted life
without words and dry with fear
I took your death
cleaned up your blood
washed the walls
scrubbed the floor
and hid the knife
that severed us both,
in a place I'll never forget
Copyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
01 April 2008
One Down! 1/30
on the drive
no time for full moons
not going to look outside
I’ve brewed in chaos again
got lost in
ringing me crazy cloves that blind
damn those red lights
and your questions too
the loud band playing, not too loud
whoa, the pachata is sexy on you
I hear the phone ringing
another Cuban call— long distance
playing me on the drive
while confession had us all dancing
vibrant energetic and still alive
for Clove Poetry by Crystal Kill
NCopyright © 2008 by Crystal Kill
Thirty Poems In Thirty Days?
The blog site Read Write Poetry offers tips for writer's block and provides suggestions for new poetic refrains.
The goal is to catch your muse and write!
I'm in for the journey... let's see where this goes. If you are interested log in and let's get in contact. I'll be back later with my poem!
My Song For Today I
I just learned, I went to high school with these musicians. My good friend had a wild crush on the drummer, Eliot Sneezy... I'm lost on the nickname she gave him in the seventh grade. Yes, we were in band together! Of course, in high school, they were too cool for me and I was not on their calling list. Well, actually, we didn't have a phone.
I need something bubbling and light today- this song is working for me right now.
I'm looking at different skydiving companies to visit this Saturday!
Yes, it is exactly as you are thinking. I'll be jumping AGAIN!
No luck needed here... its all skill.
Let's get some new pictures already.
Walk With Me
Unlike my usual unsophisticated rush toward the goal of "getting there on time" I was suprisingly early for the evening award ceremony. So early in fact, that I leisured some extra time with a walk around downtown. My good friend who was to go with me, was not able to join me, so like the eagle I am, I had to soar this one alone.
The evening was beautiful and surreal at the same time... it donned early with a light warm wind that streamed in between the buildings. That was nice. Very nice. I decided to walk west toward the Orpheum Theater. At 6:30 in the evening the skies, clear of clouds were a soft shade of blue. Everywhere I looked I could see art and felt the magic it created... I wished at that moment as I have many times before, wished I had the skills to be a photographer, taking unforgettable memorabilia... the bright lights coming to life as the evening grew darker, the elongated glare of a car light as it turned the corner... the marquee lights of the Orpheum blazing bright against a quiet street. No crowds. No cars. No bumper to bumper horns. Just that beautiful building and the warm Arizona wind.
I walked to Washington street, passed the old court building (ignoring but well aware of the three court buildings that added to the already existing court buildings-what does that mean???)
I passed the lot where the park in the middle of downtown used to be located. Each time I see it, those round white lights and in all its modern design disappear. I still see the old park, 1979 where homeless people slept. My brothers and I had a name for that park, we called it the "Wino Park". My mother took us there to eat our lunch after we walked into town and although there was nothing special about it, I can still see it.
Across Central and Washington stood the city bus station.... I remember the awnings that covered the sidewalks and the large windows that were lined with new radios and new fans. At night, downtown was pretty scary to a kid. The empty windows of vacant stores were either covered with newspaper, painted, or just left to its eerie and deserted lonesomeness. Kids aren't really suppose to experience lonesomeness... are they?
However, most of the time, downtown was pretty cool to a kid. And on this past Saturday, downtown was pretty cool to a much older kid.
As I crossed Central Avenue I couldn't help but stop to take a moment for the large black and white picture of an antique Phoenix that canvased the corner of the building. It reminded me of the Great Gatsby and that unforgettable picture aging against the wall of another place in time. Isn't it always like that? No matter how much time may pass, we still take pause for the times that have passed and for the future that lies one step in front of us. Always certain to keep us moving ahead, we were born afterall, with the means to double it into the future if we really wanted.
Heading back to the event... full of smiles and good memories, I was reminded that we are embarking on the vest of a new season.... a summer season. A season of survival, of celebrations and vacations, of summer storms, of departure, departing and endurance. We Arizonans know that seasons do change and so must we.
We should not try to function in a season that has already passed. That would be out of order, or chaotic. Who ever heard of an Arizonan who wore a long jacket and knee high boots in the middle of an Arizona summer? Okay... so maybe we might know one or two people (hopefully not more than that) but you get what I'm saying!
good rhythm in this, very atmospheric too and the repitition of Cuba works well
April 2, 2008 1:09 PM